Lego Serious Play

  • Certified Lego® Serious Play™ Workshop Facilitator (2016)
  • 250+ sessions across Australia, England, New Zealand, Denmark and France
  • Newsletter Editor, Brickmind, Global Lego Serious Play Practitioner Community (2017-2020)
  • Published LSP Researcher
  • Creator of LSP Metaphor Model sets for Windows Exploration Bag and the Brown Bear’s River Kit.
  • Publisher of quite a few Mecabricks LSP models

He ventured to Legoland, to the Temple of Bricks, to learn the ways of Lego Serious Play, and now brings this modern artform of meaning making, story-telling and creative thinking to academic, corporate and student clients across Australia and the world.

His Lego Serious Play workshops bring audiences on a journey of discovery, learning, and quickly assembled models of Lego that come to life with stories, embedded meanings, and decidedly fabulous colour schemes.


This website is not approved, authorised or endorsed by the LEGO Group. LEGO®, is a trademark of the LEGO Group. We respect and align with the LEGO® Serious Play® trademark guidelines. We use the LEGO® Serious Play® method described in the LEGO Group Open Source Guide made available by LEGO under a Creative Commons license ‘Attribution Share Alike’.